Well things have moved on. I missed the April posting and now it's May. We are currently being deluged with April showers - the weather is pretty naff even by English standards.
I completed the series of illustrations for Alex's animation project. He has taken them to college and 'doctored' them accordingly, I hope to see the final result sometime soon.
Life at the school is good so far. I can get my head down without too much bother from the others. Being in a room full of women is Ok, except for one (no names, yet!) who has the people skills of a glove puppet. Luckily I can keep my interactions with her to a minimum. Off on a course tomorrow - should prove interesting, all the other delegates are teachers. Hmmm.
Next week is half term, so Julie and I will be taking time off so that we can still have time as a family before Alex decides he is too old to holiday with 'the old duffers'! Nothing planned yet - let's see what happens ...