So, continuing from the last post, not The Last Post, the previous post, I completed an on-line, e-lectronic, virtual application form and sent it off. In effect, clicked the 'send' button, and waited.
March; Much to my surprise I was invited to interview and was successful! So it was time to start the tidying up of the desk and files at school, put all my belongings in a red spotted hanky, tie it to a stick and set off on my travels, again.
Unfortunately for Julie things at her place of employment had taken a turn for the worse. She is a very outgoing and 'bouncy' person. She does not suffer fools gladly, although she married me and stuck with it for 21 years! A group of work colleagues, whose names I will not mention, yet, decided to make a formal complaint and have made things very uncomfortable. The situation has now run its course, two of the women have left the department (hit and run comes to mind) and the dust is settling.
April; During the Easter beak I handed over my job to a temp who is to cover while a replacement is found. I snuck out quietly this time - last time I left they made a big fuss, all very nice, but embarrassing to do it twice in two years!
I've been in the new post for a fortnight and I am settling in well with my new colleagues. The learning curve, though, is vertical! There is so much I don't know, but I am booked in for loads of training to get me up to speed. Poor old synapses! My official title is ICT Support and Development Officer - oooooh!
To infinity and beyond ... !
(Thanks, Buzz!)
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