Monday, October 23, 2017

End of an era

A year ago I posted how pleased I was with my second NC750X - at 5,000 miles, well it's all change again!

Due to a change in my working arrangements, the requirement to commute has disappeared - so has my reason to ride a motorcycle. Since the end of July I have covered only 100 miles on the bike. With no likelihood of that increasing I decided to sell.

She had amassed 11600 miles in the 16 months I was using her, but to leave her in the garage, unused and unloved was a shame.

So now I am a bike free zone. Thanks to Crescent Motorcycles for their help and good service.

I'll be clocking up some miles in the car though. Tomorrow I head for Cumbria for the second time in a month - that's 300 miles each way. I'm sure I will encounter some interesting events along the way.
 and now ...   

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