Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Yule

After all the rushing around, getting stressed with the shopping, Christmas Day arrives and we can chill.
Being the only pagan in the family means I make a few concessions and move my celebrations on a couple of days.

It has been a quiet and pleasant day with just the three of us happy with each other's company; we've eaten the turkey, drank the Buck's Fizz and are looking forward to the pudding and brandy butter.

Let's hope the 'season of goodwill to all men' lasts for the whole of the forthcoming year.

Happy Yule and an even happier New Year to everyone.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Full moon yesterday; got the rustic star finished to top off the Yuletide tree. I'm pleased with the result, suitably decorative with that pagan style, very tasteful. Nicer than a glittery fairy with a pine frond up her ... dress for support.

Only another week at work then a week of rest and relaxation. We've nothing planned yet, except a visit to Mother-in-Law on the 27th, well you've got to make the effort, I s'pose.

It'd be nice to have some snow...

Sunday, December 04, 2005

It's that time of year, again. The retail trade rub their hands together at the prospect of millions of customers buying anything and everything at inflated prices just to satisfy their Christmas urges.
Santas, sleighs, bells, turkey, puddings, cakes, holly, berries ... the list continues but rarely does it include Christ, His birth, or anything else that means Christmas. A shame if you profess to be a Christian. Most just indulge in the excess without a thought of the reason; not very Christian.

For me, I'll survive the season by staying with its origins, the pagan festival of Yule. I can celebrate the shortest day of the year and look forward to the lengthening days and the return of new life in the new season, without the falsehood and hipocrasy of a pseudo-Christian celebration. The tree went up today.