Thursday, October 26, 2006

Something new!

For those into fresh air and countryside - check out the new club for campers, the Yellow Wedgie Club! Blog can be found at with a link to their webpage!

Has it been that long ...?

Well! The new school year has continued apace. Year 11s have done their work experience and things are now settling into a routine. I am becoming familar with a regular group of late arrivers, who unsurprisingly, were mostly the same ones who were arriving late last year, with the addition of a couple of Year 7s who seem swamped by the whole 'big school' process.

Now that I have redisigned the systems everything runs a little smoother and a lot less paper is generated. We have a new reporting system installed which is currently in the experimental stage. More to follow on that as things develop!

As for the management of the office ... no change. Building work is due to start in the next month and we shall have a smart new environment. I wonder how the atmosphere will change?