Friday, November 11, 2005

Never trust an HR person carrying a brown envelope on Friday, or so they say. Today our HR manager presented her own department with 'at risk' letters, warning of the possibility or redundancy. Not a good thing to have to do - not a good thing to have done to you. I am not included, luckily, but it doesn't make you feel terribly secure to know this is happening in your own department.

Things didn't improve when a conversation with a colleague went 'a little off colour', our office already has a feeling of lack of team spirit, I think I might have identified a source. All in all a not too pleasant end to what was a reasonable week. (not including car salesmen!)

An evening out with friends at a quiz night lightened the tone and things are back on course for a good weekend.

IllustratorsUK, Yahoo group is getting busy and seem quite a friendly lot - must ask 'em for some advice on getting a good likeness with people ...

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