Saturday, April 05, 2008

Another big gap ...

... and so much has happened!
AJ passed his test in January and now is whizzing around in his own car - quite the confident driver he is, too!
Sarah at work has had her baby - blow me down if she ain't pregnant again
I took the news sheet officer's post with the union and have published two issues so far. I'm also doing a newsletter for a local church. Quite a difference, eh!
The secondment that I applied for in July is going to be re-advertised so I'll try again if circumstances are right.
Julie was successful in getting a new job - much closer to home, so close that she walks to work! just think of all that duty we're not paying to the Chancellor now!
I have done two more cartoons for staff leaving the department since David's saucy image. Getting a bit of a habit.

The camping season is approaching and we hope to get a few days under our belt. Now that AJ is independent and mobile things should be easier.

Anyway, enough for one post, otherwise it'll be six months before I post again ...

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