Sunday, September 02, 2012

Still looking ...

I'm still looking around for the perfect new machine, big scooter, adventure bike, tourer? Anyway in the mean time the GS500f is still doing good service, We are just about to clock 16000 miles.

I've got some time off work coming soon, so I will be booking a test ride on a Honda Silverwing, and paying a visit to my local BMW dealer, as I found that their prices weren't as bad as I had originally thought. Might even give Triumph a glance.

While my search for a new bike continues, I am occupying my spare time by warming up for the Institute of Advanced Motorcyclists (IAM) test. I've done a couple of observed runs under the watchful eye of my allocated observer and I'm glad to say that what I learned 25 years ago (30 years for my car training) has stuck with me, and I just need some fine tuning to bring me back up to standard.

Dave, my mentor, has bought a bike mounted camera so that he can film the ride and play it back with his comments - video evidence, guilty as charged! I think it is a good teaching tool, as they say a picture paints a thousand words, and you can see exactly where it all goes wrong. He is experimenting with it to see how useful it is.

I don't suppose you want to see the video, do you ... ?


You do?


Are you sure?


OK then.

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